Regatta Saturday 2012

Leigh & Lowton SC

Regatta Saturday

Asymmetric Fleet

Sailed: 3, Discards: 1, To count: 2, Ratings: PY, Entries: 14, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Fleet Class SailNo HelmName CrewName R1
Total Nett
1st Asymmetric RS 400 1186 Dave Exley Nigel Hall (2.0) 2.0 1.0 5.0 3.0
2nd Asymmetric RS 100 131 Alex Morrison   1.0 (4.0) 2.0 7.0 3.0
3rd Asymmetric RS 400 725 Bill Kenyon Mark Atherton (5.0) 1.0 4.0 10.0 5.0
4th Asymmetric RS 400 1298 Martin Parker Liam Parker 3.0 (6.0) 3.0 12.0 6.0
5th Asymmetric RS 400 1216 Caroline Exley Jude Allen 4.0 3.0 (15.0 DNF) 22.0 7.0
6th Asymmetric RS 400 1191 Louise McKeand Alex Hodgkinson 6.0 (10.0) 5.0 21.0 11.0
7th Asymmetric RS 200 824 Michelle Tickle Kaye Tickle (8.0) 5.0 6.0 19.0 11.0
8th Asymmetric RS 200 958 Greg Marshall Steph Marshall 7.0 (9.0) 7.0 23.0 14.0
9th Asymmetric 29ER 342 Chris Barnes Haydn Griffiths (11.0) 7.0 8.0 26.0 15.0
10th Asymmetric RS 400 1212 Garry Knott Helen Blackburn 9.0 (15.0 DNF) 9.0 33.0 18.0
11th Asymmetric RS 400 1285 Roy Thomason Anna Ratcliffe 10.0 (11.0) 11.0 32.0 21.0
12th Asymmetric RS 400 1091 Stuart Belfield Cath Belfield (12.0) 12.0 10.0 34.0 22.0
13th Asymmetric RS 400 1395 Paul Allen Crew (15.0 DNC) 8.0 15.0 DNF 38.0 23.0
14th Asymmetric TOPPER XENON 6248 Steve Wood Mike Dean (13.0) 13.0 12.0 38.0 25.0

Handicap Fleet

Sailed: 3, Discards: 1, To count: 2, Ratings: PY, Entries: 27, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Fleet Class SailNo HelmName CrewName R1
Total Nett
1st Handicap RS 300 370 Phil Bishop   1.0 (2.0) 1.0 4.0 2.0
2nd Handicap MIRACLE 4010 D Southwell R Southwell 2.0 1.0 (3.0) 6.0 3.0
3rd Handicap RS 300 331 Richard Catchpole   (4.0) 4.0 2.0 10.0 6.0
4th Handicap Miracle 4011 David Raines Michelle Raines 3.0 (6.0) 4.0 13.0 7.0
5th Handicap PHANTOM 1101 Steve Norris   (12.0) 3.0 10.0 25.0 13.0
6th Handicap SOLO 4885 Les Hodgkinson   5.0 8.0 (28.0 DNC) 41.0 13.0
7th Handicap NATIONAL 12* 3513 Christian Day Sophie Richards 10.0 5.0 (11.0) 26.0 15.0
8th Handicap RS FEVA XL 4610 Hannah Bristow Bobby Hewitt 9.0 (17.0) 6.0 32.0 15.0
9th Handicap OPTIMIST 5500 Archie Leckie   8.0 (12.0) 7.5 27.5 15.5
10th Handicap Enterprise 23221 Mike Baldwin Griffiths Family 6.0 10.0 (18.0) 34.0 16.0
11th Handicap NATIONAL 12* 3496 Gareth Williams Jen Turner 7.0 (11.0) 9.0 27.0 16.0
12th Handicap RS FEVA XL 1389 Graeme Bristow Madeleine Bristow (20.0) 13.0 5.0 38.0 18.0
13th Handicap Solo 5325 Mike Broatch   (25.0 DNF) 7.0 13.0 45.0 20.0
14th Handicap Phantom 1170 Mark Cuthbert   11.0 9.0 (12.0) 32.0 20.0
15th Handicap Solo 3884 Sally Bristow   (18.0) 18.0 7.5 43.5 25.5
16th Handicap Optimist 4751 Olivia Cuthbert   (16.0) 14.0 15.0 45.0 29.0
17th Handicap Optimist 5911 Sian Talbot   14.0 15.0 (16.0) 45.0 29.0
18th Handicap Phantom 1154 Dave Kelsall   (17.0) 16.0 14.0 47.0 30.0
19th Handicap Solo 5022 Ken Lawrenson   13.0 20.0 (22.0 DNF) 55.0 33.0
20th Handicap GP14 12809 Bill Egerton Bernard Lees (28.0 DNC) 23.0 17.0 68.0 40.0
21st Handicap LASER BAHIA 93 Talbot Talbot (21.0) 21.0 19.0 61.0 40.0
22nd Handicap PHANTOM 1111 Ollie Shaw   15.0 26.0 DNF (28.0 DNC) 69.0 41.0
23rd Handicap Solo 4251 Gil Fisher   (28.0 DNC) 19.0 22.0 DNF 69.0 41.0
24th Handicap Topper 42062 Izzi Bristow   22.0 22.0 (28.0 DNC) 72.0 44.0
25th Handicap Topper 46572 Matthew Leckie   19.0 (28.0 DNC) 28.0 DNC 75.0 47.0
26th Handicap MARAUDER 358 Chris Helsby Crew 23.0 (28.0 DNC) 28.0 DNC 79.0 51.0
27th Handicap BYTE 428 John Haselden   (28.0 DNC) 24.0 28.0 DNC 80.0 52.0

Laser Fleet

Sailed: 3, Discards: 1, To count: 2, Ratings: PY, Entries: 11, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Fleet Class SailNo HelmName CrewName R1
Total Nett
1st Laser LASER 1 Tom Keegan   (1.0) 1.0 1.0 3.0 2.0
2nd Laser LASER 117372 Jon Lewis   (5.0) 3.0 2.0 10.0 5.0
3rd Laser Laser 188474 Gareth McCormac   (4.0) 2.0 3.0 9.0 5.0
4th Laser LASER 194679 Andy Price   2.0 (6.0) 4.0 12.0 6.0
5th Laser Laser 175767 Rebecca Cox   3.0 (12.0 DNC) 5.0 20.0 8.0
6th Laser Laser 143453 M Breach   (6.0) 4.0 6.0 16.0 10.0
7th Laser LASER 80667 Dave Lowe   9.0 5.0 (12.0 DNC) 26.0 14.0
8th Laser LASER 180667 Ty Burrows   (12.0 DNC) 8.0 7.0 27.0 15.0
9th Laser LASER 174699 Laura Barnes   (12.0 DNC) 7.0 8.0 27.0 15.0
10th Laser LASER 175709 Brogan Griffiths   7.0 (10.0) 9.0 26.0 16.0
11th Laser Laser 128786     8.0 9.0 (12.0 DNC) 29.0 17.0

Scoring codes used

DNCDid not come to the starting area
DNFStarted but did not finish

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.02 build 6